Glossary for LinkMapsTM Pages

  1. The META title tag from your page is used as the title for the link to your page
  2. The META description tag from your page is used for the description value (if present)
  3. The first 200 characters of the visible body text from your page is used as BODY text
  4. A count of unverified (thus theoretical) links into the page and out of the site are documented
  5. Links that come from outside sites to pages within this site are included in this list.
  6. The located keywords matching your identified SEOToolSet keyword list are listed as keywords. This list is determined by our spider based upon the content of the site matching the keywords entered into our toolset. The META keyword tag is not used.

The identification of pages that are excluded from this report are:

  1. Pages that are not found (404 error).
  2. Pages without TITLE tags.
  3. Pages that do not have at least one link to your site.
  4. Pages that contain or more (user determined) links to other sites (possible link farms).
  5. LinkMaps retains only the first four (4) pages encountered from any domain. Others are ignored.
  6. LinkMaps drops all pages where the page title or URL contains the word 'Guestbook' or 'blog'

LinkMapsTM is a trademark of Bruce Clay, LLC.

This site subscribes to LinkMapsTM, one of the many Search Engine Optimization tools and methodologies provided by Bruce Clay, LLC ( Bruce Clay, LLC also provides free how-to information, advice, products and services for search engine ranking as well as good-practice advice on web architecture and design, marketing, and promotion.

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